Saturday, May 14, 2011

Artist Statement

I design this Artist Statement for our Interactive Installation Art using Photoshop

Monday, April 25, 2011


The heart projection that will be outline of the boxes will glow when there is sound detected so import the heart image from Illustrator and make into a movie clip in Flash . Then I add the coding and it will detect the sound .

Here is the coding :

myMic = Microphone.get();
attachAudio (myMic);

micInterval = setInterval (this,"micCheck",20);
function micCheck (){
heart._alpha = myMic.activityLevel;


Here I use illustrator to illustrate a heart shape for the outline of the boxes that will be projected by the projector .

here is the image :

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Testing Program

Here im testing the program, I also created a video to document the whole process .

Here are some picture and the documented video is uploaded on the group blog:

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Just found a website that detect microphone movement and it will move the movie clip in flash
Check the website :


We had a consultation with Mr Hafizudin and suggested that we use a camera detection program and also use flash action script.


Im currently looking for a script that can be used for the project and I found a beat detection script.
Here is the script :

import beat.BeatEngine;   import beat.BeatEvent;    var sound:Sound = new YourSound();;    var engine:BeatEngine = new BeatEngine();   engine.addEventListener(BeatEvent.LOW_BEAT, lowHandler);   engine.addEventListener(BeatEvent.MED_BEAT, medHandler);   engine.addEventListener(BeatEvent.HI_BEAT, hiHandler);    function lowHandler(e:BeatEvent):void {     doSemethingLow(e.power);//action for low frequency beat detection   }    function medHandler(e:BeatEvent):void {     doSemethingMedium(e.power); //action for medium frequency beat detection   }    function hiHandler(e:BeatEvent):void {     doSemethingHigh(e.power); //action for high frequency beat detection   }